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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Starting Over

I have had several starting over periods in my life. The most difficult of these was in 2005 when, at age 41, I was laid off from, of all places, a church. It came as a complete surprise in January 2005. I, like most everyone else, had care payments, mortgage, credit cards, etc., and all of a sudden our household income was cut almost in half. I figured that I could find a job in a couple of weeks, four at the most and we would be back on track but that was a bad assumption. We were living in Southwest Michigan at the time and the economy was taking a downward turn. I tried several opportunities but none played out. I wound up driving a school bus (I made more doing that than I could have working at most other jobs in the area in an entry level position). My wife and I had decided to move back home (Georgia) so I drove until the end of the school year and we packed up. We lost the house, van, and had to file bankruptcy. It was the worst time in our lives. We had been in financial hard times before but never like this. I took us quite some time to get over the depression and since of loss. I'll have to say that my faith in God and the support of family and friends is what got us through. We moved back home and my wife and I both got jobs then about six months after getting back and I was laid off again. I was able to start another job without interruption but I had to take a $4.00 per hour cut in pay. It was rough for a while but through continued prayer and God coming through for us financially, we made it somehow. About six months into the new job I received a call from the place I got laid off from and was offered a supervisory position making $2.00 per hour more than what I had previously made. Needless to say, we were on an emotional and financial roller coaster for several years but we have gone through the grieving process and have made peace in our spirits and have learned forgiveness. Through it all I have tried to keep a positive attitude and tried not to worry about the future. I maintain my faith in God and Him having control over my life. Proverbs 3:5,6 is a good scripture to live by;

Proverbs 3:

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,

And lean not on your own understanding;

6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He shall £direct your paths.

I hope that if you are going through a valley in your life that you will turn to those around you for help

and put your trust in the Lord, He will truly direct your path if you'll let him.

Have a blessed day,


Sunday, May 25, 2008

Perservering Through Life's Trials

This entry is just going to be an introduction to what I hope will be an article that will help someone out there. I have faced many trials in life and I know that others have faced more fierce trials than I have but what I want to share in this future post is how I have faced these trials and made it through the valley's of my life. As I said before, I don't want this to come across as a whining session rather, I want to show that you can go through these trials and tests in life and you can come out a better and stronger person. If you wish to succeed in life you must learn how to navigate through your trials (every one will face trials and tribulation in life) and reach the mountain top. Stay tuned and check back often as this post/s will be coming soon.

Have a blessed and prosperous day,


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

It's been a while since I lasted posted, there's been a lot going on, the most significant of which was the passing of my mother. This will be the first Mother's day without her. It is a strange thing; I think of her often wishing she were still here but also knowing that she is in a better place and not suffering in pain anymore. I have found myself, over the past two months, reminiscing about old times and childhood memories. It is true that time waits for no one and death seems to drive that home harder than anything else. It was just a year ago from February 13th that my wife's father passed away having fought cancer for just a few months. What we've learned from these events is that you must cherish the times that you have, make every minute count. When you get angry or frustrated realize that it's just a small thing and that there are bigger things to work on. It's like the quote says "don't sweat the small stuff". The past three years have been trying times for my family but through it all we have come out all right. Losing jobs, homes, cars, etc., is really nothing as long as you have a loving and supporting family and friends. I've been to the bottom of the barrel (so to speak) and I survived and I know that you can also. When the chips are down, keep your chin up and don't give up because you will make it. Losing hurts, whether it be a game, a loved one, job, home, vehicle, etc., but it's not the end of the world. In the end all these things want matter anyway. What will matter is where your heart is. I'm going to do my best while I'm here on this earth but I realize that I'll take nothing from this world with me when I breathe my last breath. I have settled my heart on the Lord and I'm not ashamed to say it. My faith and trust in Him is what has brought me through all the trials and set-backs in my life and He'll be there for you if you'll let Him. My father-in-law and my mother both trusted in him also and that is what gives me hope that I'll see them again in the life hereafter. So if you haven't made that decision yet, please consider it, you will not regret it. Before I close I want to wish all of you mother's out there a very Happy Mother's Day! To all of you who have mother's or step mother's living, let them know how much you love them today and every day.

God Bless, and until next time,

May your life be filled with happiness and success,
